About the Business
Edinburgh Garden Partners (EGP) is a charity established to develop garden sharing in Edinburgh. We match garden owners who are unable to manage or enjoy their gardens, with local volunteer gardeners who want space to grow their own food and have no garden or allotment. Produce is shared between the garden partners. EGP is driven by a desire to support people to remain independent in their own homes, often older and disabled people including carers who do not have time for the garden and by a wish to increase accessibility to gardening, food growing and the environment.
We are delighted to announce the appointment of Iyaah Warren as Volunteer Development Worker for the South of Edinburgh. She says Hello everyone, I'm very excited about my new job and can't wait to get started at EGP to meet you all! My background is in community development and informal adult education and recently I've been concentrating more on coordinating volunteers and community gardening.
Location & Hours

1 Osborne Terrace